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What is Love Light Minnesota?

What is Love Light Minnesota?
Love Light Minnesota is candle company with a mission to spread love, hope, and support to individuals and families affected by cognitive differences. Through advocacy, education, and community engagement, we aim to foster inclusivity and empower individuals to thrive.
How do i care for my candle?
⫸Begin by trimming the wick to 1/4 inch. Keeping the wick short helps maintain a low flame, steady burn, and reduces soot buildup.
⫸Enhance the performance of your wood wick by applying a small amount of olive oil. Wipe off any excess oil and allow the wick to dry. This provides additional fuel for the wood, resulting in a warmer flame and prolonged burning.
⫸Allow the candle flame to gently melt the wax along the sides of the jar. This ensures that all the wax is utilized as fuel, maximizing the burn time and promoting a consistent flame.
By following these simple steps, you can enjoy longer-lasting and more consistent burning from your candle.
What quality procedures does Love Light Minnesota have in place?
We are privileged to partner with respected collaborators to source ingredients grown and produced in America for our candles. Maintaining strict standards of reliability, safety, and effectiveness is our top priority, particularly in the current environment. Our dedication to ethical sourcing and comprehensive testing guarantees that each candle we produce adheres to the most stringent quality benchmarks before it reaches you and your loved ones. We sincerely appreciate your trust in us for your candle requirements.
Where do we source our materials?
What materials are used to make non-toxic candles?
At Love Light Minnesota, we prioritize using premium-quality materials and ingredients in crafting our candles. Our candles are made with coconut soy blended wax, ensuring a clean and sustainable burn. Housed in elegant glass jars, our candles exude both style and functionality. As part of our ongoing commitment to quality improvement, we are transitioning to jars sourced from a new supplier. Rest assured, all our materials and sources undergo rigorous evaluation to meet our stringent standards of excellence.