A bright red candle with a beach setting

Unlock the Benefits of Clean-Burning Waxes

Fall leaves

The Upsides of Renewable Clean-Burning Waxes: Beeswax, Soy, Coconut, and Apricot

As the world moves towards more sustainable practices, many are turning to eco-conscious alternatives, especially when it comes to everyday products. Candles, a popular item for creating atmosphere and ambiance, are now made from renewable, clean-burning waxes such as beeswax, soy, coconut, and apricot. These waxes are the better buy for your money, are better for the environment, improve indoor air quality, and provide a healthier and more enjoyable sensory experience. This guide explores the various benefits of these natural waxes, delving deeper into their impact on breathing and long-term sustainability.

  1. Environmentally Sustainable

One of the most significant benefits of using renewable waxes like beeswax, soy, coconut, and apricot is their environmental sustainability. The waxes are derived from natural, renewable resources that can be cultivated and harvested in an eco-friendly manner.

  • Soy Wax: Derived from soybeans, soy wax is a byproduct of soybean oil production. Since soybeans are a rapidly renewable resource, growing them does not deplete natural ecosystems. Additionally, soy wax is biodegradable and compostable, meaning it won’t leave harmful residues in landfills.
  • Coconut Wax: Extracted from the meat of coconuts, this wax is a prime example of sustainability. Coconuts are one of the most sustainable crops, as they replenish quickly and require minimal pesticides and fertilizers. This makes coconut wax an eco-friendly option with a low carbon footprint.
  • Apricot Wax: Made from apricot kernel oil, this wax is another plant-based, biodegradable option. Apricots grow abundantly in various regions, and using the byproducts of this fruit for wax helps to reduce waste.
  • Beeswax: As a natural byproduct of honey production, beeswax promotes beekeeping, essential for pollination and maintaining biodiversity. Responsible harvesting practices ensure that bees are not harmed, supporting healthy ecosystems.


Using these waxes encourages ethical production and fair-trade practices while reducing the negative environmental impact of more conventional waxes like paraffin, which is derived from petroleum and contributes to carbon emissions.

  1. Clean Burning for Better Air Quality

One of the most notable benefits of natural waxes is their clean-burning properties. Unlike paraffin wax, which releases toxins such as toluene and benzene when burned, beeswax, soy, coconut, and apricot waxes produce little to no harmful emissions.

When you burn a candle made from paraffin wax, it releases soot and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the air. Over time, these can accumulate in your home, leading to respiratory problems and even long-term health issues. In contrast, renewable waxes burn cleanly, producing less soot and reducing indoor air pollution. This is a significant benefit, especially for those with allergies, asthma, or other respiratory conditions.

  • Beeswax candles are especially beneficial for air quality. Beeswax emits negative ions when burned, which can bind to toxins and pollutants in the air, neutralizing them and purifying the environment. This makes beeswax candles a natural air purifier.
  • Soy, coconut, and apricot wax candles bring a cleaner solution to burning, producing minimal soot and smoke. This makes them a great option for enclosed spaces or anyone looking to improve indoor air quality.
  1. The Benefits of Breathing: A Healthier Airspace

Breathing is something we often take for granted, but the quality of the air we breathe can significantly impact our overall health and well-being. The type of wax used in candles can either enhance or degrade air quality, making it crucial to choose wisely. Natural waxes like beeswax, soy, coconut, and apricot can improve and reduce pollutants and offer a cleaner burn.

Beeswax candle with bright flowers

Beeswax: A Natural Ionizer

Beeswax candles stand out because they release negative ions into the air when burned. These negative ions act like tiny magnets, attracting and neutralizing airborne particles such as dust, mold spores, pet dander, and allergens. This makes beeswax candles an excellent option for individuals with asthma, allergies, or other respiratory sensitivities.

The release of negative ions creates an atmosphere that is not only more pleasant to breathe in but also more conducive to relaxation and mental clarity. It's no surprise that beeswax candles are often found in wellness centers, yoga studios, and meditation spaces.

Soy and Coconut Wax: Hypoallergenic and Low-Emission

Soy and coconut wax candles burn more cleanly than paraffin, emitting fewer particles into the air. This is especially important for anyone with respiratory conditions, as these particles can irritate the lungs. Additionally, because they burn at lower temperatures, soy, and coconut wax candles produce less smoke, reducing their impact on air quality.

The hypoallergenic properties of soy and coconut waxes make them a safer option for sensitive individuals. Unlike paraffin, which can trigger allergic reactions due to its petroleum base, these plant-based waxes are non-toxic and gentle on the lungs.

Improved Breathing for Mindfulness Practices

For those who use candles as part of meditation, yoga, or other mindfulness practices, breathing quality is essential. Clean-burning, non-toxic waxes like beeswax and soy promote a calming environment without introducing pollutants into the air. This creates an ideal setting for deep breathing exercises and encourages relaxation, focus, and stress reduction.

  1. Longer Burn Time and Cost Efficiency

Renewable waxes offer another key advantage: longer burn times. Because natural waxes like soy, coconut, apricot, and beeswax have a lower melting point than paraffin, they burn more slowly and evenly. This means you can enjoy your candles for a longer time without needing to replace them as often.

  • Soy wax candles are known for their extended burn time, offering better value for money compared to paraffin candles.
  • Beeswax candles have one of the longest burn times of all candle types due to their high melting point. While beeswax candles may be more expensive upfront, their longevity makes them a cost-effective option in the long run.

By choosing candles made from renewable waxes, you not only get a better burn but also reduce waste, as fewer candles need to be produced and discarded.

  1. Natural Fragrance and Better Scent Throw

Another reason renewable waxes are gaining popularity is their ability to hold and distribute fragrance effectively. Many people burn candles for the scent, and plant-based waxes like soy, coconut, and apricot are excellent carriers for essential oils and natural fragrances.

  • Coconut wax is particularly renowned for its superior scent throw. It has an excellent ability to distribute fragrance throughout a space without being overpowering, making it a favorite for scented candles.
  • Soy wax is also a great carrier of essential oils, offering a natural way to enjoy your favorite scents without synthetic chemicals.
  • Beeswax candles naturally have a subtle, honey-like fragrance, which pairs beautifully with essential oils for a calming, sweet scent that doesn’t overwhelm the senses.
Candle warmer etc

These natural waxes enhance the candle-burning experience, providing a more balanced and enjoyable aroma throughout your space.

  1. Toxin-Free and Non-Carcinogenic

Traditional paraffin wax candles, which are petroleum-based, can emit harmful toxins when burned. Studies have shown that burning paraffin wax releases potentially hazardous chemicals, such as benzene and toluene, known carcinogens. Exposure to these chemicals, especially over long periods, can pose health risks, including respiratory problems and an increased risk of cancer.

By contrast, renewable waxes like soy, coconut, apricot, and beeswax are non-toxic, meaning they do not release harmful chemicals into the air when burned. This makes them a safer option for you, your family, and your pets. With no synthetic additives, dyes, or chemicals, these natural waxes provide peace of mind while delivering a premium candle experience.

  1. Biodegradable and Easy to Clean

Renewable waxes are biodegradable, which naturally break down without harming the environment. Unlike paraffin wax, which is derived from fossil fuels and can take a long time to decompose, soy, coconut, apricot, and beeswax can break down much faster, leaving no toxic residue behind.

Additionally, these waxes are easier to clean. If a soy or coconut wax candle spills, it can easily be cleaned up with soap and water, unlike paraffin wax, which often leaves stains and requires harsh solvents to remove.

  1. Supporting Ethical and Sustainable Practices

By choosing candles made from renewable waxes, you’re supporting ethical and sustainable business practices. Many companies that produce candles from beeswax, soy, coconut, and apricot wax work with sustainable farms and beekeepers who prioritize environmental protection and fair trade.

  • Beeswax: Supporting beekeepers who use sustainable practices not only benefits bees but also promotes biodiversity and healthy ecosystems. Bees are critical pollinators, and choosing beeswax candles helps ensure their populations thrive.
  • Soy and coconut wax producers often engage in eco-friendly farming practices, reducing the need for harmful pesticides and minimizing carbon footprints.

In contrast, paraffin wax is a byproduct of crude oil, making it a non-renewable resource contributing to environmental degradation. By choosing renewable waxes, you are actively reducing your carbon footprint and supporting a healthier planet.


Renewable, clean-burning waxes like beeswax, soy, coconut, and apricot offer a myriad of benefits, both for our health and the environment. From promoting better air quality and improving breathing to supporting sustainable and ethical practices, these waxes represent the future of eco-friendly living. In a world where every choice counts, opting for candles made from natural waxes is a guilt-free and eco-friendly alternative to traditional paraffin wax. By choosing candles made from these renewable resources, you are not only enhancing your personal space but also contributing to a healthier planet.

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