Two White Sage, Palo Santo and Fire (red) free gift candles


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Spirited & Grounded 8oz Gift Set

Coconut Soy Candles

Our collection of premium Coconut Soy Candles - the ultimate fusion of...

  • Very relaxing!

    "I love these! Lighting my candles and enjoying a hot bath is how I unwind after a long workday. They smell great just sitting on my desk as I'm working as well. Huge fan."

    - Taylor Brown

  • Great product!

    "My daughter just loves spending time together after our days, watching TV or reading by our candles. They smell so nice."

    - Anna Bell

  • Makes family time special

    "I've been using Love Light Minnesota candles for 2+ months and they are my favorite. I enjoy having family over and lighting them during our dinner. Listening to their crackling wood wicks. Can't say enough good things!"

    - Li Chen

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